Thursday, May 10, 2012

And now it's time for Church Chat . . .

Hello, I’m the Church Lady and this is ‘Church Chat’. Not too long ago my father who has had a stroke fell between his toilet and the wall and got stuck. He is 82 years old and when he falls he cannot get up and this time he was stuck between a hard place (the wall) and the toilet. My mother who is 75 was unable to get him out of his predicament. She therefore had to run down the street to try to find someone to help her. Well, she could not find anyone so she had to call 911. Well, isn't that special? Anyhooooo, the firemen came and they got him out toot sweet. When my mother told me about this incident I couldn’t believe that someone could actually fall and get stuck between the toilet and the wall. Needless to say, the Rescue Squad says this happens a lot. This sure puts a whole new meaning to “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”.

Well, I forgot about this until the other day. Sunday School was over and everyone was gone. I was in the church restroom and I just finished my business and flushed the toilet. I turned and suddenly I fell hard and almost knocked the wind out of me. Unfortunately I found myself stuck between the wall and the toilet and I couldn’t get up. At least I was wearing slacks and I had zipped myself up before I fell. Anyhooooooooo, all I could think of was how I was going to get unstuck. Everyone had already left and there I was stuck between the wall and the toilet. What was I going to do? Was I going to die here and in the local newspaper it would say:

Alrighty, then. We can handle this. Well, I said a little prayer so I would not die in total disgrace and asked God to find it in his heart to release me from my awful situation. I therefore made one more final attempt to dislodge myself from my humiliating predicament. I squirmed and wiggled and lo and behold, I escaped my embarrassing imprisonment and fled the scene without a second glance.

I came home and told Hubby about my liiiiiiiittle experience and of course he thought it was hilarious and immediately got on his cell phone and told most of his relatives.

Something tells me he is going to find something disgusting in his dinner tonight.

(Church Lady does her “Superior Dance” as she struts to organ music.)


  1. I didn't even know that was possible! All I can think now is that I hope the floors had been properly cleaned. Yikes!

    1. Rebecca- I didn't know you could get stuck like that either. The 96 year old lady across the street fell and got stuck like that last month.

      I was totally grossed out when I fell on the restroom floor. I washed everything and took a bath when I got home. LOL! Oh, you should have seen the bruises on me from the fall! :0
