Hello, I’m the Church Lady and this is ‘Church Chat’. Has your dinner time become rather boring? Does it seem like no one wants to eat? Does your family avoid dinner like the plague and you are all alone at the dinner table? It sounds like dinner time is in a rut. Well, isn’t this a news flash? How to combat this colossal dilemma that most face seems rather daunting to be sure, but I am determined to conquer this unbeatable foe and make dinner successful. Yes, indeedy!
I therefore hit numerous recipe books and websites and found a winner! Taco Lasagna. Everyone loves Tex Mex and the recipe looked easy so I fixed it for my wonderful family. I called my family to the table for dinner and presented the Taco Lasagna with absolute flourish. All I got from said family was, “What in the $%@* is this?” Something told me that my family was a liiiiiiiittle reluctant to try my new recipe so I took matters into my own hands, literally. I pulled out my trusty Red Ryder BB gun and cocked it. For some inexplicable reason my family wolfed down a serving and begged for more.

Moral to this story . . . always serve dinner with an appetizer.
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