Hello, I’m the Church Lady and this is ‘Church Chat’. As you know I had Hubby install motion detector spotlights that will turn on automatically when something or someone moves within the vicinity of the exterior of our home. Well, I didn’t know that my back yard was the place for all sorts of critters from far and wide to congregate. This information was not available to me prior to installing the motion detector spotlights and those stupid things turn on and usually stay on all night due to the influx of nocturnal animals that like to have a free for all in my back yard. On one auspicious night we had 3 deer, a possium, a raccoon, a fox, and even some rabbits up the ying yang. Who told these animals to come in my back yard and make the motion detector spot lights come on? Now, who could it be? Could it be ... SATAN? (haunting echo)
Well, let’s look at this more closely, shall we? Hmmmmmmmm? The motion detector spot lights were installed for one reason only. They are to flood the exterior of my home with light at the slightest detection of movement that will send a clear message to would-be-thieves that this house is protected. It is not for critters to make the spot lights go on and then I think there is a thug traipsing around in my back yard trying to break into my house. Since Hubby is traveling all the time this light show in my back yard constantly wakes me up in such a fright that it takes one heck of a long time for me to calm down and go back to sleep. Well, isn't that special?

I can just hear Hubby snickering when I tell him about this. I know he will think this is a hoot. Well, when he comes back from travel and those darn spot lights come on, I’ll make him go to the window and see what’s going on. I bet he’ll get tired of it real quick after he is woken up a few times by these pesky animals.
(Church Lady does her “Superior Dance” as she struts to organ music.)
Haha! You make me laugh. Darn those forest animals! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteRebecca- Hubby adjusted the motion detector spot lights and they are working great now! We had our Sheriff Meeting last night and it was very informative. I'll post about it later this week. :)